Sunday, January 29, 2012

"American Horror Story" Review (ENGL101)

Another English 101 writing assignment. This one is a short review for the movie or televison show of our choice. I decided to go with my absolute favorite television show of the past year, American Horror Story.

Often, I have a short attention span involving television series’. Few shows can keep my attention to last though the season, let alone an entire series’ run.  American Horror Story, or AHS as it fans soon called it, aired its initial season on FX beginning in September 2011. AHS is the first series in a long time that managed to hook my attention thoroughly for an entire season, as well as leaving me impatient for the next season to begin.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Salem Witch Trials: Their Lasting Impression on America (ENGL101)

The final draft. Still a little longer but I knocked off over 200 words. If I knock off anymore, the paper will lose any cohesiveness and too much detail. I do have a tendency to be wordy and detailed. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Salem Witch Trials: Their Lasting Impression on America (Long Version)

For my next assignment in ENGL101, I have an essay on the Salem Witch trials. Here's the original version of the essay. The only problem with it is that its about 400 words too long. So, time for some harsh cuts.....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Old Cameras Can Teach New Tricks (ENGL101)

This was a personal essay for my English 101 class. The topic was "an event in your life that had a positive impact." 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hemisphericity and Learning (COLL100)

This research paper was for my first class of my first semester for an online learning course (COLL100). The topic had to be related to learning, be about 5-7 pages, and follow the APA style for citing and format. My topic was about the left brain, right brain learning styles.