Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Movie Review: A Clockwork Orange (in Relation to Pop Culture Theory) (SOCI22)

Written for my Sociology class about Pop Culture. I had to watch a movie and review critically and compare with theories from our textbook. Let me say that three to five pages is not nearly enough to go into detail about this movie, so many of the discussions are brief and much of it is left out entirely.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Importance of the Characteristics of American Romanticism (LITR220)

An essay on the four characteristics of Romanticism: emotion, the individual, nature, and the supernatural and their importance. Written for my American Literature before the Civil War class... as always, any feedback, criticisms, and comments are welcome....

Hydraulic Fracturing: Environmental Hazard, Economic Benefit, or Something in Between? (ENGL102)

Another paper for my English 102 class, creating an effective middle ground argument... revisiting the topic of fracking.....