Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Outline/Thesis/Etc.. of Essay #4

Essay #4 for English 100... Early draft of the essay setup. Trying to get the ideas together. I'm sure this will change as I write - it always does!
Topic: George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead and its effect on the evolution of the modern zombie (movies, books, etc…).

Thesis: George Romero’s groundbreaking film, Night of the Living Dead, changed the undead face of horror movies, by altering what the term ‘zombie’ meant to the world, setting the foundation for the behavior of zombies, and started the pop culture fad that grows in popularity every year.  
Cause: NOTLD
I. Changed the entire view of what a zombie was.
II. Allowed for a social commentary as well as entertainment in horror
III. Changed the face of horror itself (gore, etc...)
IV. The zombie is now a media icon.
V. Popularity increases more and more.
I.                    Introduction/Thesis Statement
II.                  Topic 1 – Pre-NOTLD Zombies in American Culture
a.       The Magic Island (1929 book)
b.      White Zombie(1932 film)
c.       Revolt of the Zombie (1936), I Walked with a Zombie(1943), Things to Come (1936)
III.                Topic 2 – NOTLD (CAUSE)
a.       Plot/Information
b.      Differences to older zombie ideals
c.       Social commentary
d.      Face/style of horror (BEGINNING OF EFFECTS)
IV.                Topic 3 – 70s/80s/90s Evolution of the Zombie (EFFECTS)
a.       70s… DawnOTD, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, Zombi II
b.      80s… DayOTD, ROTLD, Night of the Comet, CHUD, City of the Living Dead,  The Beyond, Pet Semetery (80s saw a huge growth in zombie gore)
c.       90s… NOTLD remake, Dead Alive (decrease in zombies)
V.                  Topic 4 – 21st Century Zombie (EFFECTS)
a.       2000-2012 – Remakes, Zombie Land, SOTLD, Resident Evil, 28 Days, (growth in pop.)
b.      Popularity
c.       The zombie ‘invasion’- books, movies, games, etc…
d.      Films
VI.                Conclusion/Thesis Restatement

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