Sunday, December 16, 2012

Physical Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology and Evolution (ANTH100)

Written for "Introduction to Anthropology" class in November. Its about two fields of anthropology and how they would view and study evolution. Honestly, I probably consider this my weakest paper to date. The topics gave me a little trouble.

Retail Shopping, Economics, and Culture (ANTH100)

Written for my "Introduction to Anthropology" class this semester. The premise was to observe a scene for approximately 30 minutes and write notes and observations about the people, the place, behaviors, patterns and cultural concepts.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Women’s Role in Prewar and Postwar America: World War II (HIST112)

This paper was on defining gender roles for the time before and after World War II, for History 112...

What if the Industrial Revolution Had Never Happened? (HIST112)

First paper written for History 112: World Civilizations Since 1650. The topic was if the Industrial Revolution had not actually happened, obviously.....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Origins of the Black Death (HIST111)

Written for History 111. It was the last paper of the class, sadly and only two more weeks left of class. I learned more about the Black Plague then I ever knew before.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Reign of Caligula (HIST111)

This short essay was written for my "World Civilizations before 1650" history class. A paper about the rule of infamous emperor of Rome, Caligula. This paper does not touch on much of his 'madness' and is instead about the facts of his four years as the ruler of Rome.

Monday, July 9, 2012

“The Premature Burial” – a Narrator’s Journal (LITR220)

A little bit about this essay/project... For our final paper in American Literature before the Civil War we had to take a story that we had read during the semester and either (a) tell from another person's point of view or (b) rewrite as a journal. I chose the journal option, as well as the short story "The Premature Burial" by Edgar Allan Poe. Another of my favorite papers to write.

Analysis of the Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe (LITR220)

For LIT220 we had to compare two stories by a writer of our choosing from our textbook.

Music and Self Image (SOCI220)

Another paper for American Popular Culture, this time about a social issue and music that discusses it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Movie Review: A Clockwork Orange (in Relation to Pop Culture Theory) (SOCI22)

Written for my Sociology class about Pop Culture. I had to watch a movie and review critically and compare with theories from our textbook. Let me say that three to five pages is not nearly enough to go into detail about this movie, so many of the discussions are brief and much of it is left out entirely.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Importance of the Characteristics of American Romanticism (LITR220)

An essay on the four characteristics of Romanticism: emotion, the individual, nature, and the supernatural and their importance. Written for my American Literature before the Civil War class... as always, any feedback, criticisms, and comments are welcome....

Hydraulic Fracturing: Environmental Hazard, Economic Benefit, or Something in Between? (ENGL102)

Another paper for my English 102 class, creating an effective middle ground argument... revisiting the topic of fracking.....

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Social Media to Take a ‘Poke’ at Potential and Current Employees (ENGL102)

This argumentative essay is for my English 102 class, using the Rogerian form of argument. Topic: Social media sites and their use in employment decisions....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Right of All Citizens: What Makes an Effective Argument for Women's Rights? (ENGL102)

This essay is a critical evaluation of Susan B. Anthony's "On Women's Right to Vote." This was written for my English 102 class.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Russian Folk Music (RUSS100)

This is my cultural essay for Russian I... I also had to translate it into Russian, but I don't know if I am going to post that part. lol

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Persevering Zombie and its Evolution (ENGL101)

This essay was for my last essay project for English 101. For this essay, we had to write about cause and effect. My cause/effect was how George Romero's Night of the Living Dead would have an efect on every zombie movie that followed.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Outline/Thesis/Etc.. of Essay #4

Essay #4 for English 100... Early draft of the essay setup. Trying to get the ideas together. I'm sure this will change as I write - it always does!
Topic: George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead and its effect on the evolution of the modern zombie (movies, books, etc…).

Monday, February 6, 2012

Adobe Photoshop CS5: A Must Have for Creativity in Media (ENGL101)

Essay #3 for English 101.... this essay had to be an evaluation of a product that we are interested in  buying. Since I couldn't find any sources in the school library for the new Canon Rebel T3i or a Nissan Juke, I went with the next best thing - Photoshop CS5.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"American Horror Story" Review (ENGL101)

Another English 101 writing assignment. This one is a short review for the movie or televison show of our choice. I decided to go with my absolute favorite television show of the past year, American Horror Story.

Often, I have a short attention span involving television series’. Few shows can keep my attention to last though the season, let alone an entire series’ run.  American Horror Story, or AHS as it fans soon called it, aired its initial season on FX beginning in September 2011. AHS is the first series in a long time that managed to hook my attention thoroughly for an entire season, as well as leaving me impatient for the next season to begin.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Salem Witch Trials: Their Lasting Impression on America (ENGL101)

The final draft. Still a little longer but I knocked off over 200 words. If I knock off anymore, the paper will lose any cohesiveness and too much detail. I do have a tendency to be wordy and detailed. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Salem Witch Trials: Their Lasting Impression on America (Long Version)

For my next assignment in ENGL101, I have an essay on the Salem Witch trials. Here's the original version of the essay. The only problem with it is that its about 400 words too long. So, time for some harsh cuts.....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Old Cameras Can Teach New Tricks (ENGL101)

This was a personal essay for my English 101 class. The topic was "an event in your life that had a positive impact." 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hemisphericity and Learning (COLL100)

This research paper was for my first class of my first semester for an online learning course (COLL100). The topic had to be related to learning, be about 5-7 pages, and follow the APA style for citing and format. My topic was about the left brain, right brain learning styles.